
Lease Vs. Exclusive Rights: What Are They?

Artist, Musician, Audio Engineer, Producer in Music Record Studio

Music is an integral part of media, whether it’s an album or movie soundtrack. With beat rights, there are two types: lease vs. exclusive rights. However, not many people may know which to opt for. Knowing the difference between lease vs. exclusive rights may determine how costly your music or film project is and which is most appropriate for your project.

Lease Vs. Exclusive Rights

This is the key difference between lease vs. exclusive rights. Leasing rights allow customers to utilize a particular beat a limited number of times. However, the ownership is still retained by the producer. Once the leasing rights limit is exhausted, customers are required to purchase a new lease for the same beat. They usually require a mere upgrade. The price of the upgrade is the price of the new lease less the amount paid for the original lease. On a producer level, beats on lease are distributed as many times as you want. In fact, they can also be sold to different musicians for different purposes. The caveat here is that the beats must not have an exclusive right to them. This can be a good way for producers to monetize the beat with leasing rights.

However, all this changes when an exclusive right comes into the picture. If someone purchases an exclusive right to the beats, the beat will be removed from the store and the absolute ownership will go to the customer.

Meanwhile, exclusive rights give the producer absolute ownership of the beats. The producer can use it as many times as they want. However, beats with exclusive rights are not for sale to anyone. Beats with exclusive rights also cost more as producers who have these beats also have exclusive rights to do anything they want with them. The moment customers purchase a beat with exclusive rights, full ownership of the beats will then be given to the customer. The price of beats with exclusive rights is usually subjective and you may have to contact the producer to find out more.

What are these Beats Used for?

Another contrast between lease vs. exclusive rights is their purpose. Beats with leasing rights are typically used for promos and mixtapes. They are typically not found in an album and are not used for projects that require original beats in it.

Meanwhile, beats with exclusive rights are usually better sounding and hence, they will appear on original albums. This will make sense since no one wants to hear “copied” beats in their music album. Hence beats with exclusive rights are usually used for converting to record labels. They are usually of higher quality, whether it’s in WAV form or MP3 form. It’s also common practice for producers to hand out tracked-out versions of these beats so you can mesh your vocals with them, turning them into songs.

Why Choose luke4pres?

At luke4pres, we offer beats with both leasing and exclusive rights for your needs. We also highlight to you the difference between lease vs. exclusive rights. We know that it can be confusing, and we hope to address any inquiries you may have. Contact us to discover the beat that you need today!